Hi! I'm Amy.
I live in Kirribilli, just north of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia, with my two children and my husband Josh (who is also an artist!). From an early age I have always been drawn to all things creative. Luckily, I had supportive parents who nurtured my creative side where possible and sent me off to art classes which I loved, exploring different mediums and finding my own way forward. It was here that I first discovered 'my style' which consists of a dynamic abstraction of shape and colour. I have always had difficulty explaining the evolution of my work until I realised, quite simply, that it is intuitive, spontaneous and the rewarding result of working through the process of a painting until I am happy with the final outcome. After deciding that graphic design would be a good fit for me I completed a two year Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design before setting out into the world of advertising. Over ten years I worked my way up to becoming a Senior Art Director before having a big break from the ad world and joining the mum force. Still freelancing where possible I found minimal time for myself until my babies grew a little and I then began painting with my 4 year old, realising that 'it's been a while between paintings!' That is when I threw myself back into the world of art and creating things that truly make me happy, my way. Now I am painting every chance I get and enjoying the process, picking up where I left off and loving every minute of it! |